Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Winter Returns

After almost an eternity, we have sub freezing temps again. If you ski you know what I mean. Jan got warm and the snow has melted into almost nothing. Only the huge piles of plowed snow remain. Luckily the base at BMBW is enough to keep skiers going. Blowing snow again will give great surfaces in no time. My favorite is packed powder. Fresh corduroy grooves from the hill grooming are only there early in the morn. Peace

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Volkyl Demo Day @ BMBW

Awesome demo day. Tried 6 different skis. Hero snow all day. Have to admit, when the snow rocks it ,doesn't get much better! TigerShark model was fast as hell. I did enjoy the womens Aurora. 161 length when you are 6'2" is like wearing Blades. Plow thru everything at blinding speed. Lucky I had goggles. I promise photos, videos and more when I figure out how to do it. theSurfninja

Fast Snow

The first blog entry for MotionSports. I'd first like to share the ski conditions this last weekend at HolidayValley Ski Resort at Ellicotteville, NY. Very fast and great conditions were the norm for the weekend until around 3PM Sunday. Rain then came into the area.
